To Find Sum of Any Three Numbers (SUB Procedure) (Qbasic)

To Find The Sum of Any Three Numbers (Using SUB Procedure) (Qbasic)
  • Program with parameter
  •  DECLARE SUB sum (a, b, c)
     CALL sum (a, b, c)

     SUB sum (a, b, c)
     INPUT "Enter the first number"; a
     INPUT "Enter the Second number"; b
     INPUT "Enter the third number"; c
     s = a + b + c
     PRINT "The sum of the numbers is "; s
     END SUB
  • Program without empty parameter 
  •  DECLARE SUB sum ( )
     CALL sum

     SUB sum
     INPUT "Enter the first number"; a
     INPUT "Enter the Second number"; b
     INPUT "Enter the third number"; c
     s = a + b + c
     PRINT "The sum of the numbers is "; s
     END SUB
  • Program with different variable in parameter and argument.
  • DECLARE SUB sum (x, y, z)
    CALL sum(a, b, c)

    SUB sum (x, y, z)
    INPUT "Enter the first number"; a
    INPUT "Enter the Second number"; b
    INPUT "Enter the third number"; c
    s = a + b + c
    PRINT "The sum of the numbers is "; s
  • Program with different variable in parameter and argument (taking input in main module)
  • DECLARE SUB sum (x, y, z)
    INPUT "Enter the first number"; a
    INPUT "Enter the Second number"; b
    INPUT "Enter the third number"; c
    CALL sum (a, b, c)

    SUB sum (x, y, z)
    s = x + y + z
    PRINT "The sum of the numbers is "; s
  • See Also 

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