Q1: Which one is invalid symbol for the file name?
- a) /
- b) @
- c) #
- d) $
Q2: Which command allows creating logical drive?
- a) subset
- b) patch
- c) batch
- d) sort
Q3: Which command is used to duplicate the entire diskette?
- a) copy
- b) diskcopy
- c) chkdsk
- d) format
Q4: Which of the following enables the user to load devices drivers and program into upper memory area while running DOS in 386 or higher microprocessor?
- a) himem.sys
- b) emm386.exe
- c) config.sys
- d) all
Q5: Which command is used to see the status of the disk?
- a) chkdsk
- b) format
- c) label
- d) vol