Q1: How can the case of the letters in document be changed?
- a) Alt + F3 twice
- b) Shift + F3 twice
- c) shift key twice
- d) caps lock twice
Q2: How are spelling errors displayed in MS word?
- a) a green underline
- b) a red underline
- c) both a & b
- d) none
Q3: What is the use of Drop Cap?
- a) starts the paragraph with large dropped initial capital letter
- b) makes all letters capital
- c) makes all letter lowercase
- d) starts every paragraph with capital letter
Q4: Which of the following is not common feature of word processor?
- a) spell checking
- b) filter
- c) double line spacing
- d) all
Q5: What is the library of pictures, images and photographs called that can be used in a document?
- a) museums
- b) clipart
- c) clipboard
- d) icons