Q1: Which query summarizes large amount of data in easy to read, row and column format?
- a) select
- b) crosstab
- c) columnar
- d) action
Q2: Which of the following consists in database system?
- a) database
- b) information
- c) database and information
- d) DBMS and database
Q3: How is to restrict a database file to by another user?
- a) exclusive mode
- b) inclusive mode
- c) extended mode
- d) all of the above
Q4: What is the data items grouped together for storage purpose called?
- a) list
- b) title
- c) record
- d) string
Q5: Which of the following is NOT a type of form?
- a) single form
- b) continuous form
- c) interactive form
- d) datasheet