Q1: What does the disk drive of a computer do?
- a) read the disk
- b) rotate the disk
- c) defragment disk
- d) none
Q2: Which application is suitable for sequential processing?
- a) payroll processing
- b) processing of grades
- c) telephone number searching
- d) none
Q3: Which of the following is used as primary memory?
- a) floppy
- b) magnetic drum
- c) PROM
- d) all
Q4: An integrated circuit is :
- a) complicated circuit
- b) fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
- c) integrated circuit
- d) none
Q5: Which was the first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical operation?
- a) ENIAC
- b) Mark I
- c) Analytical engine
- d) IBM 1401