Q1: Which of the following is not unique on a network?
- a) IP address
- b) computer name
- c) workgroup name
- d) all of the above
Q2: Which one is not a protocol?
- a) FTP
- b) telenet
- c) gopher
- d) activex
Q3: Data transfer rate of LAN is normally
- a) 1 – 10 mbps
- b) 100 mbps
- c) 1000 mbps
- d) all
Q4:WAN requires
- a) high speed processors
- b) high bandwidth communication links
- c) high resolution monitors
- d) all
Q5: Which of the following is suitable to implement a client server network?
- a) MSDOS
- b) windows 95
- c) windows 98
- d) windows 2000