Full Form Starting From C

  1. C2C - Consume to Consumer
  2. CAD - Computer Aided Design
  3. CAE - Computer Aided Engineering
  4. CAI - Computer Aided Instruction
  5. CAL - Computer Aided Learning
  6. CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
  7. CAN - Campus Area Network
  8. CAT - Computer Aided Training
  9. CAT - Computerized Axial Tomography
  10. CAVE - Cellular Authentication and Voice Encryption
  11. CBE - Computer Based Education
  12. CBT - Computer Based Training
  13. CCD - Charge-Coupled Device
  14. CCTV - Closed Circuit Television
  15. CD - Compact Disc
  16. CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access
  17. CD-ROM – Compact Disc Read Only Memory
  18. CD-RW - Compact Disc Re-Writable
  19. CERN - Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
  20. CGA - Colored Graphics Adapter
  21. CGI - Common Gateway Interface 
  22. CLD - Country Level Domain
  23. CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
  24. COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language
  25. CODASYL - Conference On Data System Languages
  26. COM - Computer Program for Microcomputer
  27. CPAV - Central Point Anti Virus
  28. CP/M - Computer Program for Microfilm
  29. CPI - Character Per Inch
  30. CPU - Central Processing Unit
  31. CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
  32. CSMA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access
  33. CSS - Cascading Style Shee
  34. CSU - Channel Service Unit
  35. CU - Control Unit
  36. CUI -Character (Command) User Interface
  37. CVT - Continuously Variable Transmission

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